Basecamp releases Hey, the hosted email service for neat freaks like us

The well-known project management software team at Basecamp has launched in full-force their very own fully-hosted and full-featured email service known as HEY.

Let’s try to run through what Hey has to offer really quickly in a bunch of words: Privacy Focused Emails, Fixing bad subjects, an imBox for important emails, managed attachments, quite & loud when you want it, workflows, news-feed style for crap, clips, private notes, .. and more.

OK, thats a mouthful. Let’s break that down a bit.

Privacy Focused

Hey introduces a good combination of privacy focused features for your emails.

Email Screening allows you to screen emails from first-time senders, sort of like Mimecast, but without the annoying fluff in-between, and you don’t have to pay extra.

Built-in spy blocking. Many companies track which emails you open, how often you open them, and even where you were when you opened them. They can pull out more information like the browser you used, or whatever else. Hey blocks these by default. Even better, all images go through their proxy, so if they miss a tracking pixel they at least won’t know your IP, or second time opens.

Fixing bad subjects

If you didn’t start a thread sent to you, you’re often stuck with other people’s generic, non-descriptive email subjects that don’t mean anything to you. Hey gives you the option to rename a subject so it makes sense for you without changing things for the other person. An invisibility cloak for your email subjects, amazing.

Imbox (not a typo)

Google has a terrible “focused” inbox and we all know it. Hey has a focused Imbox instead. Your Imbox is where important, immediate emails go from people or services you care about. No random receipts, no “I rarely read these” newsletters, and no special offers crowding out the stuff you really care about. Get rid of those not important emails.

Managed Attachments, LARGE ones.

Don’t like uploading large attachments to dropbox, drive, or whatever else in-between? Hey does it for you, add it like a normal attachment, and it will magically upload without going through your regular email. The best thing about all files in Hey? They’re easily found

Quite & Loud

Unlike every other annoying online email provider, the push notifications are off by default (Looking at you GMail), so you won’t have your lock screen covered in emails, or experiencing another buzz for a useless offer.

However, Hey gives you the option to turn it on for specific contacts, or certain threads. How has no one thought of this before?


Hey doesn’t say it clearly in my opinion but it has a bunch of built in automations and workflows. For example, there is a built-in ‘Reply Later’ workflow to move an email to a dedicated ‘Reply Later’ pile at the bottom of the screen so you don’t lose or forget it.

There is also a ‘Set Aside’ automation, for any email you select, to put it into a neat little pile for easy access whenever you need it. At hand, but out of your face.

Hey also lets you bundle any sender’s emails together. That’s one hell of an automation. Now, no matter how many emails they send you, they’ll only take up a single row in your Imbox. Incredible.

Speakeasy is another automation they put in. With Hey, you can give them your special Speakeasy code to someone, and if they include that code in the subject, their email will bypass the screener and be given special treatment in your Imbox so you don’t miss it. Mimecast doesn’t have this one!

News-feed style for crap

Honestly, I say “for crap” but this could be your general email go-to. I would use this for my crap though. Hey lets you open multiple emails at once and just scroll through them, like a newsfeed.


Hey has these things called Clips. What are Clips? With Hey, you can ‘clip’ any text and add it to your Clips Library for immediate, anytime reference without having to dig for it later when you need it.

Private Notes

Easy one to explain here. Create a note, thats private, and attach to your email. These can go anywhere, and in any email thread. These “notes” can be text, or a file. It’s really up to you.

This is really difficult to do in an article

So let get down to it. I lied, there are WAY more features than I’ve listed here. You can read all the features at their website before I lost my mind in explaining all this to you!

The good news, we’ve requested a demo. The bad news? They haven’t gotten back to us. But it looks promising, and almost like something I need right now.

Hey goes public in July this year, while currently in a private invite-only mode for the cool kids. They’ll charge a flat, all‑inclusive $99/year fee, you can ask them for access here.

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